Project : Local Surf Lounge Academy
It helps us cover the bare basics. To pay rent, providing the daily meal and making sure access is always FREE.
Small monthly subscriptions from just R100 ( € 5) from our community will help us make this possible.
No obligation, cancel anytime.All donations are channeled through our non-profit NGO, to ensure it goes where it is intended.
Banking Info: Small Things Foundation NPC / FNB Account: 63026412120 / Branch: 250655 SWIFT: FIRNZAJJ
Custom Donations & Subscriptions: If you want to support us for different amounts than listed below, please send us a mail and we will help set it up.
Cancellation Policy: If you want to cancel your subscription for any reason there is no obligation, just send an email to us and we will stop the recurring payment within 24 hrs.
It takes a village to raise a child! We are calling on our wonderful community to help us do better for the marginalised children of our neighbourhood.