School holiday trip to the water slides and ice skating Every December we do something different that is fun and exciting for our kids, and this year we decided to go to the iconic Muizenberg Water Slides. The irony of not a single one of our youth ever having gone on the slides ($) despite...
A surprise meeting with a nomadic film duo tells our story Around Easter time we received an email from a couple who had travelled all the way from Germany, across Africa, in an old VW campervan. An epic journey! Zoe & Merlin turned out to be pretty famous documentary producers (TheFilmPeople), and were collecting stories...
A board shaped at the top of the Swiss Alps journeys to the bottom of Africa After visiting Cape Town in the beginning of the year, Swiss surfers Niko & Pascale fell in love with this beautiful place and its people. After a visit to our Local Surf Lounge Academy an idea was born to...
The Freedom Rower partners with us! Out of the blue in October we received a call from JHB-based adventurer Peet Botma aka The Freedom Rower, that in November he will be taking part in ‘The World’s Toughest Row‘ a solo crossing from North Africa, across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean, a truly epic challenge...
Photoshoot with Hilda Bezuidenhout In September we were gifted a wonderful photoshoot with South African-born (living in Australia) photographer Hilde Bezuidenhout. Hilde spent several hours shooting the boys at the club, and letting them have great fun also shooting each other with her camera. Lele & Tai took the young ones down for a surf...
We are so happy to have a beautiful sign Something that was really missing at the project was proper signage, so that the surf community, general public and even potential sponsors were aware of us. We have such an amazing location, and now, thanks to a very generous sponsorship from Dean at Ornate Signs, we...
Sustainability is the key. With all the ideas generated in this early phase of supporting Local Surf, the biggest challenge has simply making the rent each month. Its a constant drag, and an emotional journey to secure R15000 every month, without any funding or revenue generating streams. So it has quickly become apparent this, is...
A fundraiser film night to inspire the children of Local Surf with their surfing icons A very successful first Action was held on 20 April 2023 to bring in urgently needed funds to keep the Local Surf Lounge Academy operating, paying rent being the dire need! Through a largely European network we pulled in ZAR13,200...
What is a completed action?
Each time we enact an idea to improve our projects, whether it be infrastructure, financially, or experiences, we will document it on this page.